Medhavi College is large business school whose purpose is to set a remarkable impact on this ongoing new generation in business education. It is situated in Shankhamul, New Baneshwor. It has belief that the student graduated from this college would be able to face the real world business challenges as the college is fully dedicated for high quality education and boosting their self- reliance. Medhavi College is highly experienced for business and management related studies. Nowadays, in Nepal, management has been essential in every part to have sustainable development and to improve economic condition.

Only BBA program is offered in this college. The program is configured in such a way that students can broaden up their knowledge in related field and later on specialize in particular area for better future. This program is associated with Pokhara University. Students will be able to get base for their future either for further studies or for career opportunities. After the end of academic session, student must undertake an internship program which compromise of 3 credits and a summer project of 3 credit point. The course duration is of 4 years consisting of eight semesters. Conceptual and fundamental knowledge are gained in the first six semester of the program. The last two semesters is made up of elective courses so that student can specialized in specified area for the betterment of future. It has grading point system.
