Course Description

Bachelor of Social work (BSW) course of Purbanchal University is a four years, 8 semester program. 

The course is designed to harness graduates with knowledge and competencies of social work practitioners and researchers with foundation course, core course, applied course and practice course. Each subject is valued against 100 marks. The marks are divided into 70:30 grading system. The students write for the semester and examination conducted by the University 70 marks. The remaining 30 marks are awarded on the basis of internal monitoring systems which depend on the subjects. Each semester of the eight semesters worth 15 credits and 1 credit consists 16 lectures of 50 minutes. This makes 3 credits subjects to have 48 lectures and 1/3 of the classes allocated for tutorial classes. 

The practice course allows students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical field from Social Work field practicum in different organizations two days a week for 12 (130 hrs) weeks in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th semesters and 4-6 weeks (200 hrs) continuous block placement in the 5th, 6th and 7th semesters. 

The course further opens up range of experiential,personal and professional learning spaces through three social camps called social work labs to observe, learn, relate and act appropriately as social workers in different contexts of society, communities and countries. 

In the eight semester, students conduct independent research in the area of their interest with the close supervision of a faculty research guide. Student's dissertation carries 8 credits weight of the 120 total credits. 

Bachelor of Social Work of Purbanchal University is designed to impart knowledge and working competency of micro, mezzo and macro social work to enable graduates to apply critical thinking in their engagement, assessment and intervention and be able to respond to the context and shape their practice with research based information with the application of social work principles and ethics to advance human rights, social and economic justice in all societies.

Admission Guideline

Bachelor of Social work (BSW) course of Purbanchal University is a four years, 8 semester program. 

The course is designed to harness graduates with knowledge and competencies of social work practitioners and researchers with foundation course, core course, applied course and practice course. Each subject is valued against 100 marks. The marks are divided into 70:30 grading system. The students write for the semester and examination conducted by the University 70 marks. The remaining 30 marks are awarded on the basis of internal monitoring systems which depend on the subjects. Each semester of the eight semesters worth 15 credits and 1 credit consists 16 lectures of 50 minutes. This makes 3 credits subjects to have 48 lectures and 1/3 of the classes allocated for tutorial classes. 

The practice course allows students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical field from Social Work field practicum in different organizations two days a week for 12 (130 hrs) weeks in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th semesters and 4-6 weeks (200 hrs) continuous block placement in the 5th, 6th and 7th semesters. 

The course further opens up range of experiential,personal and professional learning spaces through three social camps called social work labs to observe, learn, relate and act appropriately as social workers in different contexts of society, communities and countries. 

In the eight semester, students conduct independent research in the area of their interest with the close supervision of a faculty research guide. Student's dissertation carries 8 credits weight of the 120 total credits. 

Bachelor of Social Work of Purbanchal University is designed to impart knowledge and working competency of micro, mezzo and macro social work to enable graduates to apply critical thinking in their engagement, assessment and intervention and be able to respond to the context and shape their practice with research based information with the application of social work principles and ethics to advance human rights, social and economic justice in all societies.

Education Path

In the social work sector, you get to work on child welfare organizations, ageing services, Human Rights organizations, developmental sectors, Ageing services, criminal justice agencies, nursing homes, women development organizations, substance abuse, counselling centres, state and local governments, disability centres, and other welfare and humanity related sectors.  

After completing a Bachelor of Social Work in Nepal, you can get entry-level jobs in these fields and progress eventually. The starting BSW salary in Nepal falls in the range of NPR 15 to 30 thousand monthly. 

You can also continue your studies and specialize in fields such as: 

  1. Master in Social Work (MSW)
  2. Master in Counselling
  3. Master in Childhood Development
  4. Master of Psychology

Job Prospects

BSW graduates can find jobs in governmental as well as non-governmental sectors. This includes various fields of employment such as: 

  • Media sectors: TV, Radio, News Agencies
  • Academic institutions: Schools, colleges and universities.
  • Research Institutions and Consultancies
  • Government Organizations/ INGOs
  • Commercial Institutions
  • Engineering Consultancies
  • Public Service Commission
  • UN agencies

In the social work sector, you get to work on child welfare organizations, ageing services, Human Rights organizations, developmental sectors, Ageing services, criminal justice agencies, nursing homes, women development organizations, substance abuse, counselling centres, state and local governments, disability centres, and other welfare and humanity related sectors.  

After completing a Bachelor of Social Work in Nepal, you can get entry-level jobs in these fields and progress eventually. The starting BSW salary in Nepal falls in the range of NPR 15 to 30 thousand monthly. 

You can also continue your studies and specialize in fields such as: 

  1. Master in Social Work (MSW)
  2. Master in Counselling
  3. Master in Childhood Development
  4. Master of Psychology


Year One : Semester I

  • History and Philosophy of Social Work
  • Sociology for Social Work
  • Human Growth and Behavior
  • Academic English
  • Social Case Work Group Work- I
  • Social Work Field Practicum/ Skill Lab


Year One: Semester II

  • Introduction to Nepali Society
  • Psychiatric Social Work
  • Academic English- II
  • Social Case Work and Group Work –II
  • Social Work Field Practicum/ Skill Lab
  • Neighborhood Study Lab


Year Two: Semester III

  • Community Organization
  • Communication for Development
  • Nepali Language and Literature or Conversational Nepali (for International Students)
  • Social Action
  • Social Work Field Practicum


Year Two: Semester IV

  • Social Policy and Welfare Administration
  • Development Perspectives in Social Work
  • Mental Health and Social Work
  • Human Rights and Social Work
  • Social Work Field Practicum


Year Three: Semester V

  • International Social Work
  • Law and Social Work
  • Social Work Research
  • Social Work Field Practicum ( Block )
  • Rural Study Lab


Year Three: Semester VI

  • Organizational Behavior and Leadership
  • Family Social Work
  • Social Work in School
  • Social Work Research Seminar
  • Social Work Field Practicum ( Block)


Year Four: Semester VII

  • Program Design ,Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Social Work in Disaster Management
  • Advanced Social Work Research
  • Social Work Field Practicum (Block)


Year Four: Semester VIII

  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Social Work Dissertation
  • Urban Study Lab

Total Credits: 120
