About Scholarship
1. Why Virtual Edufair Nepal-2021?
As the entire globe has been marred by CoronaVirus pandemic, real place visit and interaction cannot be done. Considering this pandemic situation, College Readers, with support of ten-plus- two schools/colleges throughout Nepal, launched Virtual Edufair-2021 (virtualedufairnepal.com) that has proved the best meeting point among students, colleges, parents and the stakeholders to get appropriate information before selecting any relevant institution. After getting huge successful in conducting virtual edufair-2020 where more than 200 plus two schools and colleges across Nepal had participated, it has encouraged us to launch 2nd Virtual Edufair-2021, focusing plus two graduates to pursue bachelor’s level at reputed Science & Technology, Management, Engineering, Social Sciences and Health Sciences Colleges.
College Profile, Virtual Tour, Photos, Videos, and amenities of most of the reputed colleges have been incorporated along with live interaction in the website of Virtual Edufair (www.virtualedufairnepal.com).
More than 15 years of involvement in Nepalese Schools/Colleges and Universities, and serving students, parents and the stakeholders through various academic events, College Readers has gained the strength and expertise to launch this virtual fair, which has been most relevant during the on-going COVID19 pandemic. Our first initiative-virtualedu fair about plus two schools-has been approved and acknowledged by the successful result, which encourages us to conduct bachelor’s level edufair.
The fair is aimed at helping thousands of students and hundreds of colleges to directly interact with each other and find the customized right fit for both. The concept of VIRTUAL fair is new to the world of education in Nepal and is path-breaking in the way education will be imparted as well.
Students and parents will get an opportunity to interact directly with college authorities and get all their doubts cleared and interact one-on-one with the Admission Officers through online communications and phone calls. All they need is a Cell phone or a Laptop with an internet connection. This event can be participated without any financial burden. It is absolutely FREE. As we have been involved in the academic arena of Nepal for more than two decades, we have gauged the temperament of students and educational institutions well. Many students in lack of the proper counseling have not been found exploring their potential through the appropriate institutions and lagging behind to achieve quality of life. Considering the situation and to ease the students explore their dream and materialize it for betterment of their life, we have brought CR Scholarship through virtualedufairnepal.com to facilitate students which, we feel, is our social responsibility.
2. virtualedufairnepal.com
Virtualedufiarnepal.com is a platform which facilitates students and educational institutions to reach the concerned ones and get the required information while remaining at home and connected to the internet through their communicating gazettes. Students can visit the school/college virtually after logging in virtualedufairnpal.com and get information about the fair participating schools/colleges. They can virtually visit the institution and get firsthand information about the school/college infrastructure, amenities including the college ground, premises, labs, libraries, classrooms, cafeterias, halls, and offices.
Interaction with college representatives, career counselors and experts of various disciplines through live webinar and online communications benefits the students and schools/colleges to pursue their further studies as their choice.
Moreover, schools/colleges and institutions can best utilize this platform to promote, advertise and showcase their academic performances, which will benefit both students and schools/colleges.
Virtualedufairnepal.com conducts education fair on the basis of contexts and needs of schools/colleges and students. It organizes education fair in Jestha and Ashadh focusing plus two, A-Level, and vocational and technical schools, in Shrawan, Bhadra and Ashoj for bachelor’s level colleges where we allocate certain weeks for Science & Technology, Engineering, Social Sciences, Health Sciences and Management colleges each. We also conduct Montessori Edufair in Poush and School Edufair in Magh and Falgun for the convenience of parents and guardians.
3. Benefits to the Students
It is obvious that students get authentic information about the schools/colleges through this virtualedufairnepal.com. Besides that, they will get scholarships to pursue their higher education in chosen schools/colleges ranging up to 100 percent. They will also be benefited by various prizes and awards on the basis of their performance in online academic events.
Students will avail the following features through this edufair.
- Virtual Visit facility
- Time Saving
- Live interaction with college officials
- Helpful to maintain health protocol issued by the Government
- Choose the college of their choice from home
- Scholarship and Talent Show Opportunity
- Opportunity to attend webinar facilitated by experts and celebrities
- Know to utilize online, digital and virtual platforms
4. Virtual Edufair Career Center
Students should not be always repeatedly asked to study; rather they must be given information and insights on importance, scope and method of study, and ways to establish themselves in their career. Students will develop interest in study if we become able to inspire and encourage them. To encourage and inspire students to pursue higher education and prospective careers, virtualedufairnepal.com has kept more than 50 subjects with their career scopes. It provides a wholesome information for students on where to study, why to study, how to study, total budgeting of the study, and career scopes. Students will get an opportunity to interact with experts, celebrities and successful personalities about their schooling and career hunt.
5. CR Scholarship
College Readers having the successful contribution in the education sector of Nepal for more than 15 years has felt a corporate social responsibility and in association with the schools/colleges, established CR SCHOLARSHIP to facilitate the deserving and needy students of Nepal. CR SCHOLARSHIP has aimed to benefit more than 2000 students ranging from school to college level throughout the year. This scholarship supports the students who are luminous but financially backward, geographically disadvantaged, and marginalized groups. CR Scholarship recipient students will be chosen through an online scholarship test and talent hunt competition. For this, students need to register, attend online tests and participate in a talent hunt contest in virtualedufairnepal.com.
6. CR Scholarship (Bachelor’s Programs)
The talented, deserving and needy students will be imparted CR Scholarship in the following bachelor’s programs.
Science + IT
- Bachelor of Science in Microbiology (B.Sc. Microbiology)
- Bachelor of Science in General (B.Sc. General)
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (B.Sc. Environmental)
- Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc.CSIT)
- Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT)
- Bachelor of Computer Science in Cyber Security & Networking (BCS Cyber Security and Networking)
- Bachelor of Information Management (BIM)
- Bachelor of Technology in Food (B.Tech. Food)
- B.Sc. (Hons) Computing
- B.Sc. (Hons) Environmental Science
- Bachelor of Computer Information System (BCIS)
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
- Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)
- Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)
- Bachelor of Hotel Management (BHM)
- Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management (BTTM)
- Bachelor of Health Care Management (BHCM)
- Bachelor of Civil Engineering (BE Civil)
- Bachelor of Computer Engineering (BE Computer)
- Bachelor of Electronics, Communication and Information Engineering (BE Electronics, Communication and Information)
- Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (BE Electrical and Electronics)
- Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch.)
- Bachelor of IT Engineering (BE IT)
- Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology (B. Tech.)
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc. Nursing)
- Bachelor of Nursing (BN)
- Bachelor in Public Health (BPH)
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Bio-chemistry (BSc.MB)
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Microbiology (MSc.MM)
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology (BSc.MLT)
- Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm)
- Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (BA-BSW)
- Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication (BA-Mass Communication)
- Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (BA-Journalism)
- Bachelor of Development Studies (BDevS)
- Bachelor in Liberal Arts and Sciences (BLAS)
7. How to get CR Scholarship?
There are certain procedures to get CR scholarship. First of all students need to login virtualedufairnepal.com and apply for scholarships. Clearly mention the stream and discipline while submitting the application form. Students will be informed about the online scholarship test date and syllabus of examination. They are required to give the online test on the stipulated date and time. CR Scholarships will be provided to them on the basis of online test results, and interviews.
8. Students’ Eligibility and Syllabus for Examination
Ten-plus two or equivalent level passed students are eligible for bachelor’s level scholarship tests. The exam will be held on the format of the concerned universities. The examination pattern will include 50% written, 10% from the SEE grades sheet, 10% from the eleven and twelve grades sheet and 30% from the interview. The full marks for the scholarship test will be 100.
9. Do students need to take the entrance exam of the concerning universities after taking the CR Scholarship Test?
They need to take the entrance examination of the concerned universities though they have taken the CR Scholarship test. Students themselves need to fulfill the standards and criteria set by the university/college.
Online Scholarship Test
In order to get the scholarship, students will have to visit the site, ‘virtualedufairnepal.com/edufair/scholarship’ , fill up the scholarship test form and immediately sit for the online scholarship test. It commences from 16th January and continues for the next 10 days. The results will be announced on 27th January, 2021, and notice and email will be sent to respective students for scholarship wins. This is an exhilarating opportunity to compete in 2 crore scholarship schemes.